Sunday 5 January 2014


     The title of the short story that i read is "The Necklace By Guy de Maupassant". First of all,my first impression when i see the title of this story is I think this story is quite interesting. In my opinion,this story is kind of fascinating. At the beginning, I feel pity to Mathilde Loisel, a middle-class girl who desperately wishes she were wealthy. She's got looks and charm, but had the bad luck to be born into a family of clerks, who marry her to another clerk (M.Loisel) in the Department of Education. Mathilde is so convinced she's meant to be rich that she detests her real life and spends all day dreaming despairing about the fabulous life she's not having. One day, Mathilde doesn't have anything nice to wear for a party that her husband's boss thrown. Mathilde has no jewels, So her husband suggests she go see her friend Mme. Forestier, a rich woman who can probably lend her something and Mathilde got luck because be able to borrow a gorgeous diamond necklace. But Suddenly the necklace is missing at the party. And Mathilde and her husband has being worrying sick just to search for the necklace. So the moral of the story is we should not act like that, she should be thank for every single things that she had. because money can't buy your happiness. And we also shouldn't be so careless until we lose our items. For me, I like this story and I am gonna give 5 stars for this story.


     Based on the short story, "All's Fair In Vietnam (Asean) by Noah Klinger". From what i know based on this story it talks about skin. I may not really understand about this story but i sure enough that every people in Vietnam love the writer's beautiful skin and really adore her skin. This story also tells that even though the writer's has very beautiful skin, but she never arrogant to other people. Actually, the reason why the writer's want to live in Vietnam because she want to be an English teacher. But when she landed, She realize that she didn't have suitable attire to become a teacher. So she went to Ben Thanh Market to buy clothes and stuff. Everyone there always asked about her skin until one of the promoter asked how much my skin cost. The writer's also a shy person then she become blushed when the promoter girl asked her like that. So for me, the writer is actually doesn't care too much about her skin. She actually has a natural beauty. And for me, people in Vietnam should not act that way. Because every person has their own beauty in life. So yeah, believe in yourself and trust that we have a beauty in our own way. And don't waste your money to make a plastic surgery or buying an expensive product. So i will rate this story to 3 stars because it is kinda boring.

Saturday 4 January 2014


     So now I am going to tell you a story about "A Family by Guy de Maupassant. This story is all about the friendship. The writer's talked about a long lost friends named Simon Radevin and George. This two people are very close and they had many common things in their life. They shared many sweetest moments together when their young. They had been through all ups and downs life together. But then they had been separated for almost 15 years after Simon decided to get married with a Paris's girl. George is always wondering what happened to his best friend after his best friend get married. Is that any changes on his physical? how his best friend look like right now? this question always plays in George and my mind too. After a years, George finally met his best friends at the trains. It is a unexpected moments in their life. And what is George thinks is correct because Simon is already changed a lot by having a loyal wife and so many children. Simon also getting fatter and gain some weight after his marriage. Simon brought George to his house and they did spending their time together just like a old time but now has a little bit change because Simon now has a big family. Beside their joy and happiness, I really hate the part when Simon being cruel to his father. This should not happened. We live only once. So for me, what Simon do is absolutely wrong. We must take a good care of our parent because they has sacrifice so much for us. Just give what they want. Lastly my opinion for this story is, what Simon do is not good as a best friend. They should always keep in touch in each other even after they get married. But I am proud of Simon because even though his physical has change a lot, he always proud of himself. And do take care of our family well, and always remember, Once a friend, always being a friend.


     Another short stories that i choose to read is "My Friend Luke by Fernando Sorrentino. This story is kinda interesting and fun because of the character has a weird style of life. And actually this story is about the writer's friends named Luke. Luke is very shy person, kind in heart, always being humble,hardworking to achieve what he want. Even though he is working in a small company but he always do his work fluently and successfully. And one of the behavior that we can make as example is he only smoke once a day. This is really hard to do as a smoker but he manage and control his life smoothly. But pity on him because he had a disease of his weak lungs. Luke life is really complicated. Even though he got a small paid,but he never complaining on his work. With his tiny salary, he can support his family and himself. Furthermore, Luke has very good manners and i think everyone in this world should follow his excellent attitude. Luke is always willing to give his seat in the bust to the woman and the less capable. I really like a guy who know about manners. Luke also not a sports person, but he like to spend his leisure time by watching boxing and football match that i feel a little bit of disappointed because for me, he should not watch but do it in his real life for make a healthy lifestyle. Last but not least, this story has a very good moral value because of Luke's attitude with people around him, He knows how to respect people. He know what he doing for his life. But i don't want to be like him because for me, a part of him has a really weird way. For me, He should have fun because life is too short and "You only live once" so make sure every moment on your life is precious. I would like to rate this story for 4 stars.


      The short stories that i choose to read is "Twelve and not stupid by Zuraidah Omar". My first impression when i am reading this story is i feel pity to the writer who need to waited for her father for so long. Her father shouldn't left her alone for wait for him. For me,it is really dangerous for a young girl to be alone in front of the place that have so many strangers. And then, after i read more on this story i saw the character named Auntie May and i am wondering who is she? what is she doing inside the car with the writer's father?and why did the writer's father told her to lie to her mother about auntie May? Is the writer's father had a scandal with auntie May? This questions is really grind my gear. Moreover, her father also had a weird attitude which her father became a reserved and doesn't talked much with his family and relative while when he is with his friends,he became a talkative and not reserved at all. Finally i know what is going on between auntie May and the writer's father. One night, the writer's family had a family dinner and the writer's kinda surprised about their dinner guest. I am so suspicious and excited to know what happened next. Then the guest is auntie May and one young boy around ten years old named Kassim was there as the writer's family dinner guest. Kassim is actually auntie May's son and auntie May is actually the writer's uncle second wife. Now i know that they actually need the writer's family helped. And the moral that i get from this short story is not to think bad about person until we know the real story about what is really going on. And as a father, he should not to ask his children to lie. Its always better to tell the truth to everybody. So i would like to rate this story and i give 5 stars because this story is really makes we suspicious and give us lesson.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Create a blog,

Finally,i've create blogspot account.What a complicated pakcik google. What a relieved i dah siap buat. done for today. Bye bye 12/12/13